Thursday, October 23, 2008

I sit in silence, I sit here to reflect, to reflect my own limitations.
I sit in silence, just to recall the calls of brutal men who,
once or more attempt to shame our fame.
I sit in silence in this secluded corner to think of the women who,
subdue their wiil against a power.
I sit to reflect how the world could change if I take a step,
I sit in silence and drop a tear at the forgotten fears.
I sit in silence to understand the gravity of life, to cherish the moments of smiles.
I sit in silence to pray, to make the human values visible to naked eyes.

How I sit here, in sheer luxury of happiness and protection while there are millions under the sneering villains?
I ask myself how we peer glances at the people pain and how we have the stomach to turn a blind eye and walk away?

I sit in silence, I sit here not only to reflect my own limitations
but also the spread of my wings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Sneha so the blog bug has got you too ;)very nice ..loved the intro ..keep writing .wishing you loads of luck ..
do add me to your blog roll .am doing the same.. lv