Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ask Yourself!!

I asked for a small round ice-cream cake with a cherry on to…and I got a 3-tier German chocolate cake with an extra supply of mango soufflé and butter cookies. Now, that’s great, isn’t it? But the point is where is my “small round ice-cream cake with a cherry on top?” is that too much to ask for?
No it is not but maybe someone assumed that if they gave you a “little” extra it would make you happier. But they assumed wrong, dint they? You wanted just one small cake and all the big ones in the world cannot make up for the fact that you didn’t get the one you really wanted!
Things don’t always work out the way you wanted them to. And if the intensity of your desire was strong, then even though you get more than you asked for, you face disappointment. The craving never really stops.
A narrow focus makes us oblivious to all else but the goal in mind, very often blinding us to better options or greater pleasure within our reach. A closed mind doesn’t allow us to enjoy that instead we go hankering what escaped our clutches. And life carries on…a series of regrets and what ifs! How do we avoid the trap? Believe that whatever happens, happens for the best! Or better still, there is someone who has preplanned everything for us! There seems suddenly to be a reason for whatever happens! What are you trying to prove or defy on the other hand? Are you convincing yourself to believe it? Why?

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